Thursday, April 15, 2010

Make Men Like You - Your Dream Guy is Out There

What is the secret to making men like you? Is it really possible to find your dream guy? What does it take to hold on to him once you find him? Any woman can find the man of her dreams if she knows how to go about it. Here are a few tips to make men like you and help you get that special guy to love you back.

There's no doubt that you've talked endlessly with your girlfriends about how to find a guy and hold on to him. You've probably also received lots of advice from other women, but do you really know what the modern man is looking for in a woman?

First of all, the rules of contemporary dating are much different from past generations. Just in the last twenty years, men and women have gone through major changes in their approach to finding a mate. You need to throw out the antiquated notions that men are searching for a woman that can cook, clean, and sew; this is so outdated. To make men like you in today's world, you have to approach dating more philosophically.

Men are not only looking for women that are attractive and independent, they tend to be drawn to women that feel confident in their attractiveness and independence and let it show. You have a huge psychological advantage when you feel satisfied in who you are and what you have to offer. When it comes to attracting men, this works tremendously in your favor. Men love women that are self-sufficient rather than those that depend on them to have a life.

Once you've gotten a guy's attention, the best way to start a relationship is to work on connecting with him on an emotional level. Spend time getting to know what he enjoys, what makes him happy, and what his hopes and ambitions are. Show him that he can talk to you about anything, because the woman that can unlock a man's emotions is the woman that earns her guy's love. Give these ideas a try and you will not only make men like you, but you will give yourself a wonderful chance to find that one special guy that you have been searching for.

Imagine what if you could make any man adore you, chase you, love you, and commit to you? Click Unforgettable Woman Advice and learn 77 Secrets that 99% of women have never heard. You have got to see this!

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