Monday, March 28, 2011

Should Animals be Used for Research

100 million is the estimated number of animals which are killed or harmed every year by humans in the name of research. Animal testing statistics also reveal that around 95 percent of the animals used for testing are species like guinea pigs, mice, rats, birds, and other cold blooded creatures. Even more grievous is the fact that these animals are bred specifically for the purpose of testing. While animal rights activists condemn such practices, those involved in it directly are of the opinion that testing on animals is anytime better than causing harm to humans. With both sides adamant on their stand, the question should animals be used for research seems to have become impossible to answer.

Animal Testing Statistics

The figure '100 million' mentioned above is just an estimated number, and the actual number of animals who have to bear the brunt of this practice is expected to be a lot higher. Adding to the woes is the fact that no organization keeps a track of animals used for such testing. Similarly, most of these animals are bred specifically for this practice. Both these facts combine to make the process of compiling animal testing statistics a herculean task, and thus, one has no option but to depend on estimates when doing the same. What's even worse is the fact that the U.S. Animal Welfare Act falls short of measures to curb this inhumane practice. If only one sample is taken into consideration it amounts to a case study and not a research - which means a significant number of samples are required for animal research. If that is taken into consideration, more than a hundred million animals will be killed within the period of a year from this very day if animal experimentation continues.

Should Animals be Used for Research?

As far as finding an answer to the intricate question should animal experimentation be permitted is concerned, the inhumane treatment of animals in this practice is one of the most prominent reasons for which the activists want it to be outlawed. It is evident that living beings - including animals, are vulnerable to pain and by using them in product testing we are inflicting the same upon them. These people also argue that the practice is unnecessary with several alternatives to animal testing available. There is no doubt about the fact that animal testing has helped the medical world, but those were the times when these alternatives were not available. Today, when there is no dearth of such alternatives we can go ahead and start phasing out this cruel practice. On moral grounds, it is not at all right to treat animals in such a harsh manner for our selfish gains. While these arguments put forth by animal rights activists, when it comes to a debate on animal testing pros and cons, call for a ban on this practice, there also exist arguments in favor of this practice which are used as a tool by those who support it.

Those in favor of animal testing cite that it is important for humans - especially when it comes to the field of medicine, and thus, we can't afford to ban the same. If the practice of animal testing is discontinued, the medicines which are tested on these animals at present will have to be tested on humans, and that is something which can eventually turn out to be quite fatal. That medical research starts from cells, before moving on to small animals like rodents and eventually, to larger mammals is yet another important argument that you often hear when it comes to animal experimentation pros and cons is. If the product is found to be harmful at any stage, the use of same in testing is stopped at that very stage. The animals used for testing are excellent tools of studying human ailments. For instance, the cardiovascular system of dogs resembles that of a man to a certain extent, and therefore, we can test medicines meant for cardiovascular problems on dogs before putting it for application in humans.

If not a concrete answer, this information must have surely helped you take a stand in the ongoing debate about should animals be used for research. While a sane person will always speak against such animal cruelty, those people who have commercial interests in the same find it easier to turn a blind eye towards this cruelty. If fact, they also come up with illogical counter-arguments to debunk the arguments against animal testing put forth by animal rights activists. At the end of the day, it entirely depends on you whether you are a sane, responsible human being or an individual with a blindfold of vested commercial interests.

Resorce: Buzzle.Com

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