Thursday, June 2, 2011

Twilight New Moon Movie

There is a division among teenagers about the Twilight saga book New Moon. Some I talk to don't like it as much as the other books and others love it more. The reason is Jacob. I personally like the relationship between Bella and Edward and feel sorry for Jacob, because she plays with his affections while she still loves Edward. But I also think the New Moon book showed a great friendship between Bella and Jacob that wasn't in the other books. Where Edward loved her and was the protector, Jacob gave her friendship. He saw her ups and downs and helped her get through a time when all she could think about was another man. So I definitely think he gets the award for "best friend" in New Moon.

I think the preview for the Twilight New Moon movie looks really good and follows the story line well. I am also excited to see the special effects. They did a great job in the first movie in making the book come to life. Events such as the baseball game and when Edward went hunting, seemed so real. They also did a great job portraying the vehicle wreck in the parking lot of the school. The special effects were probably my favorite part about the movie Twilight so I am excited to see what they will do in the New Moon movie. It seemed like they had a lot of action going on in the preview.

I also thought that, from the preview, Jacob looked much better in the New Moon movie than in Twilight. When I first saw him, I wasn't that impressed with the casting but he looks much better in New Moon. His whole physique looks very nice. I just want to know how long it took them to get all those nice six-packs.

It also looked like Bella is a little more animated in New Moon. She had a lot of the same facial expressions in Twilight and it was getting old. Her excited and sad face was almost the same thing. But in the preview for the Twilight New Moon movie, she looked much better. I hope it's not a disappointment.

I also am excited to see the Volturi and the way they portray the interaction with the Cullen family. It looked pretty cool in the preview.


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