Friday, April 8, 2011

Angry Husbands Don't Have To Be Tolerated

All too often, wives put themselves into a position where they will just simply tolerate the angry outbursts of their husbands, rather than rock the boat. It should be mentioned right from the first though, this is in respect to non violent husbands and their angry outbursts. Although these are abusive in nature, they are not physically abusive, nor do they create a fear for physical safety. The types of situations that are outside of this realm, should be handled on the advice of professionals who are trained in these matters.

The type of anger abuse that this article is referring to is the snappy hot head husband who flies off the handle, every time something doesn't suit him. This is the guy who can be in the middle of the supermarket, and has no difficulty raising his voice at you or others, and humiliating them. This type of angry husband simply does not have to be tolerated.

You will soon find that perhaps giving him a taste of his own medicine, may be enough for a wake-up call. Before going to these measures though, the first step is to try and discuss the anger issue with him. There is a chance that he doesn't realize that he is flying off the handle to the extent that he is. He may also not realize just how embarrassing and humiliating this is, when it takes place in a public setting.

The key to handling his angry outbursts, is not to tolerate them no matter where they occur. If you are going to allow him to go into a rage at home, when no one is around, then only get upset when this happens in public, you are sending mixed messages.

It also has to be kept in mind, that it doesn't matter whether the anger is directed at you, someone else, or self directed. It is not acceptable. Of course everyone has their moments where their temper gets the best of them, and this can be tolerated. It is when the occurrences of temper mismanagement are out of control, that it becomes an issue.

Often wives that are subjected to this type of behavior will start to turn down family and friend invitations to functions, for fear of having to deal with an anger outburst. Or when it does happen, they will make excuses for the behavior. This is just feeding into the problem. Your husband is simply not being held responsible for his actions. If you are a wife that is in this situation, you will find that your friends and family will tolerate the behavior for your sake, and not for the sake of your husband. People that are caught in this type of situation, would rather try to diffuse the matter, and try to prevent it from escalating to where it ruins the social event.

You as the wife must make your husband aware of his angry outbursts. Chances are he knows within himself that he has an anger management problem, but will not consider doing something about it, until he becomes aware that it is not going to be accepted by others, and mostly you as his wife.

Article Source: EzineArticles.Com

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